耿丹开云在线网址 “产品模型与体验”课程展

发布时间:2019年5月28日 5:42:10 

GAD Product Model and Experience Show




4月23日, 耿丹开云在线网址 产品设计专业在首饰楼一层举行 “手·作—产品模型与体验”结课汇报展,由陈丽君老师指导,展览了产品18级2班38名学生的材料实验、结构试验、陶瓷肌理等课程作业。

On April 23, the Product Model and Experience Show, which included course works of material experiments, structure experiments, and ceramic texture experiment samples of 38 students from Class 18-2 Product Design Program, was held on the first floor of Jewelry Building under the guidance of teacher Chen Lijun.

学生作品 Students’ works



Product Model and Experience is a core course for Product Design Program, mainly about product structure cognition, product material perception and process application. Students can apply the basic principles and methods about product model materials, structure and technology to the real product design through case analysis of materials, connection methods and functions of various product models, explanation of knowledge points and after-class exercises. Students did experiments with a variety of materials, such as paper, metal, clay, foam, etc. They experienced the charm of the structure through various ways to stick wooden together and used porcelain and clay to make two-dimensional and three-dimensional material texture works in the ceramic laboratory. In the process, they gradually understood the characteristics of various materials and structures and expanded their applications.

师生合影 Group photo of teachers and students



During the eight-week course, the students mastered the basic concepts, techniques and methods of product model and structure, learned how to make product model by using various materials and methods, had a deeper understanding of product model materials, structure and process, and realized the importance of product model in the product design process, so that they could develop the ability to make product models with various materials, structures and forms.



耿丹开云在线网址 位于北京顺义。专业有视传、环境、产品、数媒、动画、戏美。国际艺术设计院校联盟CUMULUS成员。80%以上的教师曾海外学习,学院以市场为导向、尊重个性、注重前沿学科、专业融合和国际化发展。数个专业开设英文国际班和双学位项目。已与国际百所大学交流并与42所大学建立合作和师生交换。院长林子杰,学术主任肖勇。
