
发布时间:2019年5月28日 3:32:05 

GAD Held Animation Summit Forum and Enterprise Employment Meeting



4月14日,樱花文化节开幕,耿丹开云在线网址 动画专业举办了动漫高峰论坛与企业直聘会。

During the Gengdan Cherry Blossom Festival on April 14, Gengdan Academy of Design held Animation Summit Forum and Enterprise Employment Meeting.

论坛现场 Forum Site



The Forum invited nearly fifty participants including university professors, scholars, executives of well-known enterprises, artists and so on. The guests made a thorough discussion on the integration of production, teaching and research of animation education.

张歌东教授演讲 Speech by Professor Zhang Gedong



Professor Zhang Gedong, Vice-president of School of Animation and Digital Arts(Communication University of China) and Executive Director for Digital Media Art Committee of Chinese Collegial Association For Visual Art  shared the experience of talent cultivation in China Media University. Professor Luo Jianglin, Vice-president of Jilin Animation Institute shared the school’s developing ideas and the strategy of production-university-research integration. Yu Zhou, Chief Producer of Light Chaser Animation Studios, talked about the current development situation of China’s animation industry and the company’s successful experience. Zhu Hui, Associate Professor from Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, shared the experience of creating and integrating art and business from the aspect of animation ontology language.

招聘会现场 Job Fair Site



More than 20 enterprises held job fairs on campus, including CCTV Animation, China ACG Group Co.,Ltd, China Film Animation Co.,Ltd, China Film Group Digital Film Production Co.,Ltd,, Light Chaser Animation Studios(Beijing), Phenom Films and so on. At the job fair, students carefully prepared resumes and exhibition boards, and actively exchanged with enterprise experts. Some students have determined their employment intention.

专家交流Experts Communication



The forum and job fair focus on the current animation industry development and the relationship between industry and education, and will promote professional training, intercollegiate cooperation and school-enterprise cooperation.



耿丹开云在线网址 位于北京顺义。开设有视传、环艺、产品、数媒、动画、戏美,国际艺术设计院校联盟会员。其中80%以上的教师曾海外学习,数专业开设国际双学位项目,已与国际百所大学交流并与42所大学建立合作。
