
李恒 Li Heng 副教授 Vice professor
视觉传达设计专业主任、数字媒体设计专业主任、视觉传达设计专业国际项目负责人。 “大视觉”设计教育概念提出者,全国大广赛与学院奖双料优秀教师,爱尔兰都柏林理工大学访问学者,编著有《Adobe Premiere CC影视后期编辑教程》等。 研究方向:设计教育、数字媒体艺术、文创设计 。 Head of visual communication design ; Head of Digital Media Design ; Supervisor of BGD-DIT International Project. Proposer of the concept of ‘Big Visual’ Design education; Excellent Teachers in National College Students'Advertising Competition and College Award Competition; Visiting Scholar of DIT, Edited "Adobe Premiere CC Film and Television Post-Editorial Course" and so on. Research interest : Digital media design; Design education; Creative design.

张欣欣 Zhang Xinxin 讲师 Lecturer
视觉传达设计专业课程负责人、大连工业大学硕士; 研究方向 : 品牌视觉识别设计、广告设计。 Curriculum supervisor of Visual Communication Design ; Master of Dalian University of Technology; Research interest : Brand visual identity design ; Advertising design.

刘晓宇 Liu Xiaoyu 实验讲师,创新创业中心负责人 ,数字媒体艺术专业课程负责人 Professional Practice Lecturer; Leader of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center; Supervisor of Curriculum of Digital Media Art
高级视觉界面设计师,有丰富的APP设计与开发经验; 研究方向:用户体验、视觉应用与创新创业。 Advanced visual interface designers with abundant experience in application design and development; Research interest: User experience; Visual application; Innovative entrepreneurship.

翟兵 ZhaiBing 实验讲师,文化映像中心负责人 ,文创产品研发、三维数字建模专业课程负责人
Professional Practice Lecturer;Leader of Cultural Image Making Center;Supervisor of Curriculum of Cultural Creative Product Designand 3D Digital Modeling. 职业产品经理人,跨界设计师,有多元创意表达语言与产品开发经验; 研究方向:数字化文创形象、影像媒体与商业转化。 Professional product manager, cross-border designer, with multi creative expression language and product development experience; Research interests: digital cultural and creative image, image media and commercial transformation.

杨波 Yang Bo 助教 Assistant
先后毕业于北京印刷学院和捷克UJEP大学艺术学院、米兰布雷拉美术学院。研究方向:字体设计、现代媒体。Graduated from Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Czech UJEP University and Milan Brera Academy of fine arts. Research: Typography Design, Modern Media.

蒲海珊 中央美术学院设计学院服务设计硕士
毕业设计服务设计项目“理想共居”获中央美术学院优秀研究生毕设,设计项目曾获Cumulus绿色2020国际设计竞赛荣誉奖、饿了么减塑马拉松比赛全场大奖;具有丰富的设计实践经历,曾在奥美集团、北京市教育报刊总社、中国通用集团工作过,代表项目有中国国际信息通信展览会、中影集团建党百年献礼电影《峰爆》的视效UI设计;曾发表论文《建筑电讯派对服务设计教育的启示》,参编专著《设计 社会与民生》《无障碍与服务设计》等。研究方向:文旅服务体验设计、新媒体传播设计、商业模式创新等。

刘瑶 伦敦大学金史密斯学院硕士 服务设计
开云在线网址 宣传办负责人。本科毕业于天津美术学院,3年视觉和交互设计相关经验,涉及行业包括金融、法律、互联网、娱乐、文旅等,擅长从0一1搭建网站的UI界面设计和交互设计、建立UI设计组件和规范、提高产品迭代效率,善于探索产品框架,精确解决用户痛点。主讲《交互设计思维与实践》、《用户体验与UI设计》、《思辨设计》等课程。研究方向:交互设计、用户体验设计、服务设计等。


Barry Sheehan 教授,BGD - DIT 国际项目负责人 Professor; Supervisor of BGD-DIT International Project
爱尔兰都柏林理工大学创意艺术学院副院长、爱尔兰设计联盟副主席、爱尔兰各大设计活动赛事评委。 Vice President of College of Creative Arts in Dublin Institute of Technology, Vice-chairman of Irish Design Association; Core-organizer/ Judge of major design events in Ireland; Research interest : Design practice; World design history.

Tom Kelly 教授,客座讲师 Professor, Visiting Professor
都柏林理工大学创意艺术学院教授,毕业于伦敦威斯敏斯特大学,爱尔兰著名摄影家。 研究方向:数字摄影、影像后期。 Professor of College of Creative Arts in Dublin Institute of Technology, graduated from University of Westminster, London. Famous Irish photographer; Research interest: Digital photography; After effects of image.

John Short 教授,客座讲师 Professor; Visiting Professor
都柏林理工大学创意艺术学院教授,毕业于英国皇家艺术学院,爱尔兰著名画家。 研究方向:绘画,图像制作。 Professor of College of Creative Arts in Dublin Institute of Technology. Master of Royal College of Art; Famous Irish painter; Research interest : Painting; Image making.

Louis Reddy 副教授 Vice professor
爱尔兰都柏林理工大学视觉传达专业高级讲师、硕士导师; 研究方向:印前技术、印刷媒体设计应用。 Senior Lecturer and Master Tutor of Visual Communication Design of Dublin Institute of Technology; Research interest : Pre-press technology; Printing design application.

Brenda Duggan 教授 Professor
爱尔兰都柏林理工大学视觉传达专业负责人; 研究方向:数字媒体技术。 Programme Director of Visual Communication Design of Dublin Institute of Technology; Research interest : Digital media technology.

Marián Laššák 客座教授 Visiting Professor
斯洛伐克国立艺术设计学院教授; 研究方向:产品设计、视觉设计。 Professor of Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava; Research interest : Product Design and Visual Design.

Hanny Wijaya 客座讲师 Visiting lecturer
印度尼西亚建国大学艺术设计学院国际部主任、讲师 艺术家、摄影师、作家; 研究方向:现代艺术、社会与文化、设计教育。 Director of International Department and lecturer in BINUS University, Indonesia Artists, photographers, writer; Research interest : Modern Art, Society and Culture, Design Education.

Colin Farmer 客座讲师 Visiting Lecturer
爱尔兰都柏林理工大学视觉传达设计专业客座讲师、Unthink工作室创始人、ISTD奖项评委; 研究方向: 数字媒体、三维设计。 Visiting Lecturer of Visual Communication Design of Dublin Institute of Technology ;Founder of Unthink Studio ;Judge of ISTD award; Research interest :Digital Media;Three-dimensional design.

Noelle Cooper 客座讲师 Visiting Lecturer
爱尔兰都柏林理工大学视觉传达设计专业客座讲师、罗伯特·霍恩论文银奖获得者、ICAD奖项评委; 研究方向:数字媒体、设觉设计。 Visiting Lecturer of Visual Communication Design of Dublin Institute of Technology ;Robert Horne thesis Silver Award Winner ;Judge of ISTD award; Research interest : Digital media;visual design.

Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer 客座讲师 Visiting Lecturer
奥地利著名字体设计师与研发者、Glyphs软件开发者; 研究方向:字体设计、软件编程。 Austrian famous font designer and developer;Glyphs software developer; Research interest : Font design ; Software Programming.

靳埭强 Kan tai-keung 荣誉教授 Honorary Professor
国际平面设计大师、靳埭强设计奖创办人、国际平面设计联盟AGI会员,首位华人名列世界平面设计师名人录、并获英国选为二十世纪杰出艺术家及设计师,平面设计界中的大师级人物。 International Graphic Design Master, founder of Kan tai-keung Design Award, Member of the International Graphic Design Association, the first Chinese to be listed in the World Graphic Designer List, and selected by the United Kingdom as outstanding artists and designers in the twentieth century, Master in graphic design.

郭津生 Guo Jinsheng 教授,天津美院教授 / 开云在线网址 顾问、国务院特贴专家 Professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts; Consultant of Gengdan Academy of Design; Special Allowance Expert of the State Council
研究方向:视觉传达设计、设计教育 Research interest : Visual communication design; Design education.

Leo Duff 学术外考官,教授 Academic External Examiner, Professor
英国金士顿大学国际部主任,金士顿大学建筑、设计与艺术学院教授 研究方向:图像制作,视觉材料探索 Academic Director of Overseas Development. Honorary Fellowship, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, Kingston University London Research interest : Image making, Visual materials exploration.

李吉峰 Li Jifeng 企业外考官 Industry External Examiner;
华狮天下总裁、古田路9号合伙人、CDS中国设计师沙龙联合发起人 、中国设计师大会秘书长; 研究方向:品牌战略、设计美学。 President of Chinalion Advertising co., LTD; Co-founder of GTN9; Co-sponsor of Creative Designer Salon of China; Secretary-general of China Designers’ Party; Research interest: Brand strategy; design aesthetics.

周勇安 Zhou Yongan 企业教授 Business Professor
中央美术学院硕士,天树 EGD 设计总监,作品多次斩获国内外大奖 研究方向:环境平面与品牌识别设计。 Master of China Central Academy of Fine Arts; Design Director of TRYCOOL EGD; Won many domestic and international awards; Research interest: Graphics in environment and brand identity.

高宇 Gao Yu 客座讲师 Visiting Lecturer
高宇方正手迹字体设计总监,创作有《王者荣耀体》《方正悟空体》《方正少年时代体》等多款字库产品; 研究方向:字体设计、字库产品在移动媒体的开发。 Chief Design Officer of Handwriting Font design department of foundertype ; Created Multiple fonts; Research interest :Typeface Design ; Development of fonts Products in Mobile Media.

张璐璐 Zhang Lulu 讲师 Lecturer
大连工业大学视觉史论硕; 研究方向 : 艺术史论、视觉基础教育。 Master of History in Dalian University of Technology; Research interest : Art history ; Visual basic education.