
发布时间:2019年5月28日 2:44:55 

Keep the History and Mission in Mind 



—耿丹开云在线网址 学生党支部参观抗日战争纪念馆

—GAD Students Party Branch Visited the Museum of the War of Chinese People’s Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

参观场景 Visit scene


为弘扬爱国主义精神,学习和继承先烈们的抗战精神与民族情怀,激发同学们的责任感和使命感,3月30日,耿丹开云在线网址 学生党支部“第一进步小组”组织本小组党员、预备党员和入党积极分子前往中国人民抗日战争纪念馆参观学习。成员们通过馆内珍贵的史料图片和实物展品对中华民族从1931年到1945年英勇抗击日本侵略者的伟大历程进行了全面了解。馆内一幅幅印满岁月沧桑的照片、一件件铭刻历史印记的文物、一段段感人至深的故事给大家留下了深刻的印象,深深感染了每一位活动的参与者。

In order to promote the spirit of patriotism, learn and inherit the anti-Japanese spirit and national emotions of the martyrs, stimulate the students’ sense of responsibility, the Party members, probationary members and activists of the First Progress Group of GAD Students Party Branch visited the Museum of the War of Chinese People’s Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on March 30.The group members had a deeper understanding of the Chinese people’s heroic struggle against the Japanese aggressors from 1931 to 1945 through the precious historical pictures and exhibits in the museum. Each participant was deeply impressed by the pictures, cultural relics and touching stories printed with the vicissitudes of time in the museum.

场馆场景 Venue scenes


此次参观让小组成员接受了生动的爱国主义教育,激发了大家的爱国热情。在日后的学习生活中,大家将发扬和传承抗战精神,把爱国热情化做学习动力,练好本领,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献自己的力量。开云在线网址 学生党支部本学期通过“进步小组制”对党员、积极分子进行教育、培养。各小组党员、预备党员发挥“传帮带”作用,带领积极分子自主学习、自主组织活动。除“第一进步小组”外,其他三个小组也通过组织观看红色电影、理论知识讨论等方式组织月度学习。

The group members received vivid patriotic education from this visiting and decided to carry forward and inherit the spirit of the Anti-Japanese War and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. GAD Student Party Branch has carried out the “progressive group system” for the education and training of Party members and activists in this semester. Party members and probationary members of each Party group help the activists to study through the “hand in hand” model. Besides, other three Party groups organized monthly learning activities through watching patriotic movies and discussing theoretical knowledge.

小组合照 Group photo



耿丹开云在线网址 位于北京顺义。开设有视传、环艺、产品、数媒、动画、戏美,国际艺术设计院校联盟会员。其中80%以上的教师曾海外学习,数专业开设国际双学位项目,已与国际百所大学交流并与42所大学建立合作。
