发布时间:2019年5月28日 6:09:36 
Green Design Show of GAD
产品设计专业在首饰楼一层举行结课汇报暨 “绿色设计”课程展览。本次展览的作品由产品17-1班的学生创作,由Austeja Platukyte、时晓明、陈丽君三位老师联合指导,展览包括21名学生的概念海报和模型作品。
On May 10, 2019, Gengdan Academy of Design held a class closing report and “Green Design” course Exhibition on the first floor of Jewelry Building. The exhibition works were created by students in Class 17-1 of Product, and co-directed by Austeja Platukyte, Shi Xiaoming and Chen Lijun. The exhibition included 21 students’ concept posters and model works.
During the one-month course, the students demonstrated the possibility of each waste material becoming a new product by investigating the local factory waste, organic waste coming to the local market, agricultural waste or companies dedicated to sustainable materials. Considering climate change and prevention of global disasters in the social, technological, economic, environmental and political fields, students have had a better understanding of the potential impact of climate change and possible solutions.
“Green Design” is the core course of product specialty, which focuses on cultivating students’ ability of innovative design of environmental protection products and their moral responsibility as a designer. Green design is also called ecological design, sustainable design and environmental awareness design. During the whole life cycle of the product, the environmental attributes of the product are considered as the design objectives. While meeting the requirements of the environmental objectives, the functions, service life and quality of the product should be guaranteed. New values for the future should be created to make a more sustainable world.
师生合照 Group photo of teachers and students