耿丹开云在线网址 学生大广赛再创佳绩

发布时间:2018年12月23日 11:22:16 

GAD Awards in University Ad. Contest



近日,耿丹开云在线网址 视觉传达专业学生在“第十届全国大学生广告大赛”中再创佳绩,共获得一等奖3项,二等奖3项,三等奖6项,优秀奖27项,李恒、侯锐淼和张欣欣老师指导。

Recently, GAD students from Visual Communication have made great achievements in the 10th National University Ad. Contest. Guided by Li Heng, Hou Ruimiao and Zhang Xinxin, they won 3 first prizes, 3 second prizes, 6 third prizes and 27 outstanding prizes. 


获奖奖项 Award certificates

全国大学生广告艺术大赛由教育部高等教育司指导、教育部高等学校新闻传播学类专业教学指导委员会、中国高等教育学会广告教育专业委员会共同主办,中国传媒大学、全国大学生广告艺术大赛组委会承办,是迄今为止全国规模最大、覆盖高等院校较广、参与师生人数多、国家级的大学生赛事。本届大广赛共有1449所高校参赛,经校级初选后,共收到作品251656组(约50万件)。 大广赛以企业真实营销项目命题,与教学相结合,真题真做,通过了解受众、调研分析、提出策略、现场提案,最终完成作品,成为了教学与市场相关联的实践教学平台。学生们通过参赛,与企业进行线上、线下交流,提升了学生的沟通能力、实践能力和创新能力。

Guided by the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, jointly sponsored by the Teaching Steering Committee of the Journalism Education Department of the Ministry of Education & the Advertising Education Committee of China Association of Higher Education, and held by Communication University of China and the Competition Organizing Committee of National College Student Advertising Art, the contest was by far the largest in scale across the country, covering a wide range of institutions of higher learning and involving the widest participating of teachers and students. A total of 1,449 universities participated in the competition with a total of 251,656 sets (about 500,000 pieces) of works from school-level primary election. The contest adopts real marketing projects from enterprises and combines it with teaching. With works completed through a process of audience survey, research & analysis, proposing strategies and on-site proposals, the contest serves as a platform to connect the market and teaching. Through online and offline communication with enterprises, students enhanced their abilities in communication, practice and innovation.

获奖作品 Award-winning works


Students from Visual Communication won awards in the contest for three consecutive years. Targeted in cultivating students’ interest and expertise, the teaching team of Visual Communication will continue to optimize teaching methods with a focus on students. Students, on their part, will work to hone their skills, improve professionalism and shorten the distance with outstanding practitioners.

获奖学生照片 Photos of award-winning student



耿丹开云在线网址 位于北京顺义。开设有视传、环艺、产品、数媒、动画、戏美,国际艺术设计院校联盟会员。其中80%以上的教师曾海外学习,数专业开设国际双学位项目,已与国际百所大学交流并与42所大学建立合作。
