【重点关注】耿丹开云在线网址 院长林子杰:致2019年高考考生的邀请信
kaiyun开云体育官方 开云在线网址 院长林子杰教授
Professor Lin Zijie, Dean of Gengdan Academy Design (GAD)
欢迎你们关注和选择耿丹开云在线网址 !
Dear students of 2019,
Thank you for paying us attention and warmly welcome for you to join us in GAD! This here is a place where you can gain insights into the international trend, unleash your personal potential in design, practice innovative ways of design, and embark on your journey of design.
▪ 这里汇聚了由北京向世界延伸的全球优质艺术教育资源。
Gengdan Academy of Design closest to the world
Located in Shunyi District and in the proximity of superior art education resources like the Capital International Airport Economic Zone, Tianzhu Cultural and Creative Base, Beijing International Exhibition Center, China Film Group Film Base, 798 Art Culture and Creation Base, Central Academy of Fine Arts and Beijing Film Academy(new campus), GAD enjoys the best environment for art education.
▪ 这里为你提供了更多选择和差异化竞争优势的教育模式
An Education model which empowers students with more choices to get competitive differentiation and advantages
GAD endeavors to provide students with adequate choices and empowers them to have the vision and approaches to make proper choices to get competitive differentiation and advantages. It helps students to discover the path that suits them the best. Students choose courses with English as the medium of instruction or courses with Chinese as the medium of instruction or bilingual instruction courses according to the curriculum navigation system and their own interests. Students who choose courses with Chinese as the medium of instruction can independently select course modules, programmes, application-oriented projects in workshops, graduation projects or entrepreneur or innovation projects.
▪ 这里是践行应用型人才培养和创新创业教育的基地
An application-oriented education committed to foster talents with competitive cutting edge in the job market, innovators and entrepreneurs
In cooperation with prominent universities, enterprises and institutions at home and broad, GAD boasts a faculty of over 100 with double qualifications. It has also established in- and off- workshops, incubators, Creation and Practice Academy and internship bases.
In face of the demand of application-oriented talents in the design industry, GAD has established New Media Teaching Center, Commercial Design and Teaching Center, Animation and Film Teaching Center by integrating art, engineering and business related subjects of the university. Thus teaching is organized with capability cultivation as the guiding principle.
▪ 这里时时与国际相连、事事与世界同步
An Internationalized education platform linking world resources
学院2017年加入联合国唯一认证的国际艺术设计院校联盟(Cumulus),联盟平台上有几百所世界一流艺术类院校。并且联盟(Cumulus)亚洲区域唯一执委肖勇教授(2008年奥运会奖牌设计师)六年来一直担任学院学委会主任,引领国际化办学。欧洲诸多高校对我院启动伊拉斯谟Erasmus Programme+(免学费交换生欧盟项目)。目前,英文授课国际班(双学位)、国际工作室、国际工作坊、国际交换生及国际游学等多种方式教学已经成为国际化办学的常态。
Since 2017, we have been a member of Cumulus (International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media), which has won sole acknowledgement by the EU and a hundred of key universities in the world as its members. Its sole executive member from Asia, Professor Xiaoyong (who is also a designer for 2008 Olympic medals) has been the director of the Academic Committee of GAD and steered the Academy in its internationalization endeavor. A host of universities in Europe have opened Erasmus Programme (an EU programme that exempts exchanging students of tuition fees) to our school. At present, international classes (double degrees), international workshops, international studios, international exchange students, and international tour and study programmes, all these forms of teaching have become a normal state.
▪ 这里拥有开启学生创造潜力的体验式开放性教育教学空间
Open and experiential teaching spaces to spark creativity
In light of the features of art education and with full consideration to the way of learning and behaviors of the young generation, we have built up research centers and workshops that are open and experiential teaching spaces integrating teaching, working, exhibiting and exchanging uses.
▪ 这里有充分发挥学生兴趣爱好展示个性才艺绽放青春活力的舞台
A stage giving full play to the vitality, potential and talents of students
The school has various student clubs such as photography, art, dance, music, basketball, martial arts, taekwondo, robots, etc., and a variety of extra-curriculum activities such as the annual micro-film contest, sitcom contest, marathon, community service, etc, providing great opportunities for all-rounded human development.
Dear students of 2019
耿丹开云在线网址 一直践行“国际化、开放式、应用型”的办学发展思路,并且在就业、考研、赛事活动等诸多方面都取得了丰硕的成果。国内各类知名企事业单位都有我们学生的身影,并不乏白安琪北京市优秀社工,黄博渊视车科技创业典范。更有诸多学生考取北京大学、清华美院、中央美院、英国皇家艺术学院、伦敦艺术大学、旧金山艺术学院等国内外一流大学研究生,他们将面向全球就业。有千余人次在国内外各类赛事活动中获奖。他们已经成为时代的人才,成为学校的骄傲和家人的希望。
Being open, international and application-oriented are the characteristics of our university and fruitful results have been achieved in employment, further studies, and competitions. Our students have found their path into prominent enterprises and institutions both at home and abroad. For example, Bai Anqi won the title of Excellent Social Worker of Beijing, and Huang Yuanbo, a fine example of entrepreneur setting up Shiche Technology Co.Ltd, to name but a few. There are still more students, admitted by renowned universities like Peking University, Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Royal College of Art, and San Francisco Art Institute for further studies, enjoy international employment opportunities. GAD also saw over 1,000 students won awards in competitions in China and overseas. All of these graduates have become the talents of this era, the proud of GAD as well as their families.
Today, in the face of the widespread transformation and opportunities in the design industry around the world, in the face of the urgent demand of creative design talents against the backdrop of the industrial upgrading in China, in the face of the customized development demand of each student, we are fully prepared for the upcoming of your future.
欢迎你们选择耿丹开云在线网址 !
May you choose an education of art and design.
Welcome to your coming to GAD.
This here will be a station in your youth to embark on an amazing journey of art and design.
kaiyun开云体育官方 开云在线网址 院长
Lin Zijie
Dean of Gengdan Academy of Art (GAD)