About the Institute

Release time:2019-6-2 20:08:41

Gengdan Institute (within the quality assurance framework of the Beijing University of Technology) was founded in 2005 and is a private, not for profit university. It is conveniently located in a thriving business district near to the main Beijing Airport and near to many international schools and companies. Gengdan Institute offers programmes in the academic areas of Engineering, Technology, Computing Science, Business and Management, Economics, Languages, Art and Design, Humanities, Social Studies and Early Childhood Education


Gengdan Institute is unique among private universities in China in its commitment to international style teaching and learning and the development of programmes delivery through the English language. Gengdan has adopted the European credit transfer system (ECTS) and European quality assurance arrangements including peer review, external examiner review and student feedback. Gengdan offers a highly engaged international teaching style and seeks to recruit academic staff who have educational and teaching experience outside of China. It also has a distinguished faculty of visiting professors from western universities.

The Gengdan campus is an ideal place for learning and thinking. The metropolitan location in a zone of strong economic growth provides an excellent environment for applied learning on and off the campus. The campus offers state of the art learning resources bench marked to best international standards. Continuing investment contributes to an outstanding learning environment and high quality social and sporting facilities. The International Center is an international standard residence of the highest quality available to visiting students and professors.

Gengdan Institute aims to be one of the best private universities in China recognized for its commitment to internationalization and the development of graduates who can function effectively in the global economy. Gengdan has already achieved special status as one of only 5 private universities in the Beijing region who are classified as "Independent University". It is currently on a journey to establish itself as one of the very elite private universities in the country with the special status of full autonomy. This will lead to a rapid development of postgraduate work and significant support for research.

Program structure and design and the teaching and learning philosophy reflect international education norms. This ensures that foreign students, whether they're taking a full program, a 3+1, 2+2 programmes, or a short exchange study visit will be able to fulfill academic requirements of their home university and be transcripted to international norms.

