
发布时间:2019年6月24日 16:43:16 浏览次数:


An invitation message to 2019 Gaokao Examinees


 保罗·奥沙利文教授是kaiyun开云体育官方 国际商学院院长

Prof. Paul O'Sullivan is Dean of International Business School, Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology



欢迎你们报考kaiyun开云体育官方 国际商学院!

Dear young people of China,

Welcome to International Business School, Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology.



 And welcome to your future, a bright future of optimism and possibility where your talents and personality will flourish in the truly International University where the student is at the centre of our world.



You are opening up a new chapter in your life, the chapter that will see you grow as an individual and as a citizen and see you realize your potential through modern, engaged and state of the art learning.


你们是中国非常特殊的一代人。kaiyun开云体育官方 也是一所极具特色的大学,我们的目标是致力于帮助中国这一代特殊的青年人成长成才。

You are a very special generation in China and you are very special individuals. And Gengdan is a very special place dedicated to helping the next generation of Chinese talent to flourish and excel.



In our campus environment with our excellent facilities, our state-of-the-art buildings, our world-class learning resources and our truly beautiful natural environment you as an individual will grow and flourish.



BGD is dedicated to providing the highest quality international education here in China, in the heart of Beijing. We are preparing the leaders for the new global economy where China will be itself the world leader.



We are preparing young people to be the graduates who will be first choice for Chinese and international companies because of their talent, their training, their knowledge, their preparation for the global economy, their communication skills and their confidence.



The international style of education we offer is modelled on the best Western and global universities. It aims to ensure that every student receives dedicated personal attention and every student gets the personalized approach to curriculum and learning that will enable them to step forward into the future as a skilled and expert manager and specialist.



We use global learning techniques such as group work and teamwork, self-directed learning, online and blended learning and customized feedbacks to ensure that you will succeed. Your University learning experience will be a revelation to you and you can achieve beyond your dreams. We are one of the few universities in China at the forefront of this movement for international education.



We have a network of over 40 international partners among  leading universities on four continents. We have joint Bachelors degree programs with the Dublin University of Technology and opportunities to study with many of our partners on two plus two programs and for Masters degrees. Every year over 50 foreign distinguished professors come to our campus to teach.



Our exchange program means that there are many foreign students on our campus with whom you will share your learning and cultural experience and you  in turn will gain insight into their cultures and lives.



In the International Business School the Exchange Program means that you can study abroad in our partner universities for one semester or one full year without paying any extra fees. This year also our students are participating in summer schools in Australia,London,Washington DC Lisbon and Torino.



We are the University that is close to Chinese industry and business.We help companies to solve problems and invite business leaders into our classrooms to present to our students as well as providing our students with excellent internships in their companies where students can advance their practical learning. Our curriculum provides learning in areas such as e-commerce and logistics because we know that there will be many global opportunities arising from the success of China‘s Belt and Road programme.



We offer you the opportunity to learn many modules and programmes through English if you wish. All students are given special support to improve their English language skills during their time in BGD. We aim to produce graduates who can work for international companies in China or in any country in the world.



We want you to grow and develop holistically and there are wonderful opportunities for cultural growth, sport, music and a wide range of campus activities.



We help our students become fully rounded human beings, effective business leaders and outstanding citizens.



 In BGD success is waiting for you. Grasp this opportunity immediately.Come with us on this journey to the future!




Looking forward to meeting you.

With warm wishes.



kaiyun开云体育官方 国际商学院院长

Paul O’Sullivan

Dean of International Business School, Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology (BGD)


