
发布时间:2018年9月28日 13:21:55 

GAD Interview for Cumulus Conference and Exchange Students Program



On September 26, GAD international office organized an interview with the students for the Cumulus Wuxi meeting and the 2019 spring exchange students program. Chen Lijun, director of the international office, and Nicola, a foreign teacher of English, inspected the students’ oral English and personal ability, and tested them in terms of professional study, knowledge and motivation for foreign visits. Finally, one student passed the exchange student interview, and six students passed the interview for CumulusWuxi meeting.



GAD, in 2017, became the first independent college in China which formally joined the Cumulus, an association of institutes of arts, design and media.The alliance now has members from 251 schools in 47 countries on five continents. The meeting of Cumulus is held twice a year. GAD teachers and students have attended the meetings in Denmark in May 2017, India in November, and Paris in April 2018. This conference will be held in Wuxi, China, with the theme of “extensive transformation and design opportunities”.



There are 7 applicants for this exchange student interview, one of whom will participate in the one semester free exchange of The Brussels academy of fine arts.


GAD will continue to expand the learning space and channels, and will announce more international exchange opportunities in the future.
