
发布时间:2019年5月28日 3:41:55 

GAD Campus Landscape Design show




4月17日,耿丹数字技术学院环境设计专业在艺术楼一层举行校园景观设计结课汇报与设计展,此次设计展览主题是开云app官方网站入口 南门区域景观改造设计。本次课程与展览作品主要由李明老师和刘宇老师指导,由2016级景观工作室的同学设计完成。展览当天,环境设计专业多位教师进行评图打分,为同学们进行现场点评与指导。

On April 17, GAD Design Exhibition of Campus Landscape Design by the Environmental Design Program was held on the first floor of GAD Building. The works of exhibition, completed by class 16 under the guidance of teacher Li Ming and Liu Yu, are about the landscape transformation design for south gate of Gengdan Institute. Many teachers of the Environmental Design evaluated students’ works and gave comments too.

学生作品 Student’s works



The transformation design is intended to improve the delivering order, the landscape quality, and the current traffic situation in the south gate area, as well as to create more public activity space. The students explored and analyzed the existing problems of the site, consulted a number of excellent campus landscape design cases, and improved their design plans through constant polishing and deliberation. Campus landscape design is an important type of design that needs to be understood by students in the undergraduate education stage. Students can gain advantages about campus design methods by participating in this transformation design activity for their own campus.

展览场景 Exhibition scenes



Students devoted great interest to the campus landscape design and at the same time applied the theoretical knowledge to the real design program. The evaluation, comments and exchange during the exhibition will help students deal with such design cases more skillfully in the future.

师生合照 Group photo of teachers and students



