
发布时间:2018年6月5日 9:19:54 

523日上午,Cumulus秘书长Eija Salmi女士来我校参观交流,学院外事办主任田野、数字技术学院院长林子杰、数字技术学院国际办主任陈丽君、视觉传达专业负责人李恒参加了此项交流活动。

On May 23, Cumulus Secretariat Eija Salmi came to visit our campus. Director of the foreign affairs Tian Ye, Dean of GAD LIN Zijie, director of GAD international office Chen lijun and  Director of visual communication Li Heng attended the communication meeting.

 双方首先交流了耿丹数字技术学院自2017年加入Cumulus国际艺术院校联盟以来取得的成果,Eija女士就我院在Cumulus联盟中发挥的积极作用给予了充分肯定,同时对Cumulus所能提供的有利于学院发展的各平台进行了进一步说明,其中包含艺术及设计范畴的学术讨论机制及平台、学院信息传播交流平台、国际人才引进平台及其他相关优质资源等。 我院也对目前实行的一系列国际化战略如国际班、全英文授课、国际双学位、国际交换资源等方面进行了详细介绍。

Eija女士参观了17级国际班举办的课程展览,与学生互动,聆听了学生的作品介绍并亲自体验;随后考察了数字媒体光影工作室、Show BIM工作室、产品金属与首饰工作室、视觉传达设计国际班等地,并与在场学生进行交流,对我院实践教学环境及教学成果给予了高度的评价。
Homestay is an important direction of interior design, because it has commercial use, it is similar to household indoor, different from hotel design.As practice subject of design beginners, it aims to make students understand the differences between the commercial indoor and household indoor, and extract design symbols according to the given city features , design a unique creative space of home stay in view of the consumers.


Cumulus国际艺术、设计与媒体院校联盟是被联合国教科文组织正式确认的全球唯一的艺术、设计与媒体院校国际组织,由欧洲和世界上其他国家和地区有重要影响的设计院校组成,其宗旨是为高水平的设计艺术和设计教育提供交流与合作的平台。 耿丹数字技术学院于2017年正式加入此联盟,成为入盟的第一个中国独立学院。目前该联盟会员覆盖五大洲,有来自47个国家的251所院校。
Cumulus,with the formal confirmation of United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization, solely is an art, design and media international institution organization in the world. Cumulus consists of colleges having important influence on the design from Europe and other countries and regions in the world, aiming to provide a high level of exchanges and cooperation platform for design art and design education. GAD formally joined the alliance in 2017, becoming the first independent college in China.The alliance currently has 251 institutions from 47 countries on five continents.
Through the international art design platform of Cumulus, GAD will continuously expand the international communication space, which will provide more high-quality resources for the college and students in the future development.

