
发布时间:2018年12月20日 12:26:23 

GAD  Students’Poster Exhibition in Ecuador



近日,耿丹数字技术学院视觉传达16级学生张峻峰的作品《好好说话》在2018年第二届厄瓜多尔国际海报双年展(Ecuador Poster Bienal 2018)展出,指导老师李恒。

Recently, Zhang Junfeng, 2016 year student of Visual Communication from Gengdan Academy of Design, presented his work “Talking Well” at the 2nd Ecuador Poster Biennale 2018, with Li Heng as his supervisor.

展览现场  Exhibition site


本届厄瓜多尔国际海报双年展共收到了来自全球80个国家的10044张海报设计作品,经过评选共347件海报作品入选参展。本届海报双年展分为五大类别:广告海报;政治海报、社会和文化海报; 学生海报;儿童权利海报;与特朗普有关的海报。入选的的海报在厄瓜多尔首都基多的卡萨·德拉文化博物馆(Casa De La Cultura)展出。本月开始,入选海报将在厄瓜多尔的瓜亚基尔、圣多明各、萨利纳斯等城市环游展出。2019年展览将在波兰、中国、俄罗斯等国家展出。

Ecuador Poster Bienal 2018 has received 1 044 poster designs from 80 countries around the world. A total of 347 poster designs have been selected for the exhibition. There are five categories: advertising posters; political posters, social and cultural posters; student posters; children’s rights posters; and Trump-related posters. The selected posters were displayed at the Casa De La Cultura Museum in Quito, Ecuador.  Starting from this month, the selected posters will be displayed around Guayaquil, Santo Domingo and Salinas in Ecuador and then will be exhibited in Poland, China, Russia and other countries in 2019.

获奖证书 Award certificate



Zhang Junfeng’s poster “Talk Well” uses three distorted forms of the tongue to express the different tones of people while talking in today’s society. Some people are smooth-tongued, some are spiky, and others lie repeatedly. Zhang Junfeng won the Silver Prize of the Ninth Shandong Art and Design Competition, the Excellent Prize of the 18th Platinum Creative International Graphic Design Competition, and the Third Prize of the “Orange Art” Cup Beijing College Students Poster Design Competition.

获奖作品《好好说话》 Award-winning work “Talk Well”



This exhibition stimulates students’ creative enthusiasm and proves their professional competence.

张峻峰照片 Photo of Zhang Junfeng



