发布时间:2019年3月3日 4:21:33 
GAD Faculty Visited U.S.
From January 20 to 31, 2019, a delegation of 39 teachers from GAD, led by Xu Shengyun (Deputy President of BGD), and Xiao Yong (Director of GAD Academic Committee), went to the United States for exchange and investigation.
教师代表团合照 A group photo of the teachers’ delegation
On the 22nd, the group visited the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). The museum’s unusual shape reflects San Francisco’s artistic spirit. The museum houses works by some of the most representative western artists of the 20th century. From the environment, exhibits to cultural and creative derivatives, the whole pavilion reflects the contemporary nature.
参观博物馆的照片 Pictures of a visit to the museum
23日,考察了高科技、设计公司云集的硅谷,包括Intel公司、 谷歌 、苹果以及斯坦福大学。斯坦福大学艺术和艺术史系谢晓泽教授引导参观了安德森收藏馆,并与我院教师进行学术交流。
On the 23rd, the teachers visited the high-tech, design companies in silicon valley, including Intel, Google, Apple and Stanford university. Professor Xie Xiaoze from the Department of Art and Art History of Stanford University guided us to visit the Anderson collection and had academic exchanges with teachers of our school.
学术交流照片 Photos of academic exchange
24日,考察圣何塞州立大学San Jose State University。该校是综合性公立大学,有着极高的就业率,全美名列前茅的毕业薪资,浓厚的多元化学术氛围。该校设计学院的9位老师参与研讨,Kim Chang教授做了全面介绍,并提出合作交流方式。后参观了各专业和工作室,以及图书馆和贝多芬和Steinbeck研究中心。圣何塞市政厅艺术司丁厅长介绍了重点项目和美国艺术经济的发展,以及圣何塞州硅谷创新型企业的发展历程。
On the 24th, the teachers visited San Jose State University. It is a comprehensive public university with a high employment rate, a top graduation salary in the United States, and a strong diversified academic atmosphere. Nine teachers from SJSU participated in the discussion, and professor Kim Chang made a comprehensive introduction and proposed ways of cooperation and exchange. After visiting various majors and studios, as well as the library and the Beethoven and Steinbeck research center. Director of the Arts Department of San Jose City Hall introduced key projects and the development of American art economy, as well as the development history of innovative enterprises in silicon valley of San Jose state.
考察圣何塞州立大学照片 Looking at San Jose State University photos
27日,考察团前往好莱坞环球影城。Universal Studio是世界著名的电影文化交流胜地,也是世界最大的电影、电视制片基地,不仅包括了当下最前沿的数字化戏剧舞台艺术的表现形式,还有好莱坞经典影片的核心拍摄场地。
On the 27th, the delegation went to Hollywood Universal Studio. Universal Studio is a world famous film cultural exchange resort and the world’s largest film and TV production base, which not only includes the most cutting-edge digital theatrical stage art forms, but also the core shooting site of Hollywood classic films.
好莱坞环球影城照片 Hollywood Universal Studios Photos
28日,参观柏奥拉大学(Biola University)。艺术学院院长介绍了校区及各专业工作室。宾主20余人进行座谈。之后赴洛杉矶现代艺术博物馆( MOCA)参观。 还参观了由著名建筑设计师法兰克·盖瑞设计的华特·迪士尼音乐厅。
On the 28th, GAD group visited Biola University. The dean of the art school introduced the campus and various professional studios. More than 20 hosts and guests held a discussion. After that, the teachers visited the Museum of Modern Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles, and the Walt Disney Concert Hall designed by the famous architect Frank Gehry.
参观柏奥拉大学照片 Visiting photos of the University of Boola
29日,考察了拉古娜艺术设计学院LCAD,该校在产学研结合、学生就业等方面成就突出。平面系主任Catharin 分享创新教育方面的经验。加州州立大学长滩分校(CSULB)。计宇教授带领考察了印刷、动画、首饰等多个工作室。CSULB艺术学院副院长和计宇教授围绕教育与专业发展等问题与考察团进行座谈,徐胜云副院长向东道主赠送礼物。此行,肖勇教授应邀为SUSJ、Biola大学和加州长滩大学进行讲座,并介绍了耿丹设计学院的教学,美方师生进一步了解中国设计和教育并对开云app官方网站入口
On the 29th,the group inspected Laguna College of Art and Design( LCAD), the school has outstanding achievements in the combination of production, teaching and research, student employment and other aspects . Catharin, Head of the Department of Graphic Education, shared his innovative education experience. California State University at Long Beach (CSULB). Professor Ji Yu led the inspection of printing, animation, jewelry and other studios. Vice President of CSULB college of art and professor Ji Yu held discussions with the delegation on issues of education and professional development. Deputy President Xu Shengyun presented a gift to the host. During the visit, professor Xiao Yong was invited to give lectures to SUSJ, Biola University and the University of California, Long Beach, and introduced the teaching of GAD. The American teachers and students had a better understanding of Chinese design and education and had a strong interest in BGD.
考察不同学院的照片 visiting photos from different colleges
The visit to the United States expanded international exchanges and opened new channels and directions for internationalization. The delegation will also make in-depth summaries and discussions on professional development and market issues.