
发布时间:2019年5月28日 5:29:45 

GAD Students Visited CAFA Museum



4月18日,耿丹数字技术学院18级“产品模型与体验”课程的学生在时晓明、赵子祥老师的带领下参观了中央美术学院美术馆多个展览,包括“达·芬奇的艺术:不可能的相遇”、“马克・奎恩:皮相之下”、 “沉默的邂逅——布鲁诺·瓦尔波特”等,充分了解了技术与材料在艺术作品中的重要性,使学生受益匪浅。

On April 18, students in Product Model and Experience Course visited many exhibitions, including “The Art Of Leonardo Opera Omnia”, “Marc Quinn: Under the Skin”, “Mute Encounters-Bruno Walpoth”, in CAFA Art Museum under the leading of teachers Shi Xiaoming and Zhao Zixiang.

展览场景 1 Exhibition scene 1


“达·芬奇的艺术:不可能的相遇”作为纪念达·芬奇逝世500周年系列活动,展览将收藏在卢浮宫、乌菲奇美术馆、梵蒂冈博物馆等世界重要美术馆的17件达芬奇代表作品,包括《最后的晚餐》《蒙娜丽莎》《天使报喜》等利用“Opera Omnia”技术,展出了高度清晰且尺寸等大的复制品,重现达·芬奇的经典绘画作品。

As to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the passing of Leonardo Da Vinci, “The Art Of Leonardo Opera Omnia” exhibition displays 17 high-definition replicas of his representative works by using “Opera Omnia” technologies, which collected at the Louvre, The Uffizi Gallery, and The Vatican Museumart, including “The Last Supper,” Mona Lisa “and “Annunciation “.

展览场景 2 Exhibition scene 2



“Marc Quinn: Under the Skin” the artist uses ice blocks, glass, marbles, biological DNA, blood and other organic elements; the materiality underscores the fundamental subject of human existence, i.e. the perception of beauty and abnormality as well as its underlying cultural and social connotations.

展览场景 3 Exhibition scene 3



The exhibition deepened students’ cognition and understanding of materials and technology in artistic design and creation, enriched their professional knowledge, enhanced the professional quality, and cultivated their aesthetic awareness and artistic attainments. Through the field visiting, students learn about the developing trend and characteristics of the art design industry from the concept, material, ideology and other aspects of the artistic works, and master more cutting-edge design trend, and have a clear direction for future artistic creation.



