耿丹数字技术学院“Diá Logo”工作坊

发布时间:2019年5月27日 12:32:44 

“Diá Logo” Workshop of GAD 



3月11日,经肖勇主任和刘钊老师推荐,美国Diego Vainesman教授在视觉传达开设了四天的“标志与象征性图像”(Diá Logo)工作坊。

On March 11, on the recommendation of Director Xiao Yong and the instructor Liu Zhao, Professor Diego Vainesman of the United States managed a four-day DiLogo workshop in visual communication.  

讲座海报 lecture poster


Diego教授是美国纽约40N47 Design的设计总监,纽约字体指导俱乐部(TDC)主席,在纽约视觉艺术学院教授视觉叙述相关课程。工作坊涉及奥林匹克运动会相关主题。17级视觉传达国际班的学生们通过了解奥林匹克运动会标志的发展,探讨抽象图形的应用。Diego教授对学生们不同阶段的调研和标志作品进行了指导建议。课程提高了对图形的创意概括能力以及表现能力。Diego教授为学生颁发了工作坊证书并合影留念。

Professor Diego is the design director of 40N47 Design in New York, USA. He is the chairman of TDC. He teaches visual narrative courses at the New York Institute of Visual Arts. The workshop covers the relevant themes of the Olympic Games. The students of Grade 17 Visual Communication International Class explored the application of abstract graphics by understanding the development of Olympic Games symbols. Professor Diego gives guidance and suggestions on students’ research and logo works at different stages. The course improves the ability of creative generalization and expression of graphics. Professor Diego issued a workshop certificate for the students and took a group photo as a souvenir.

授课现场 Teaching scene



This workshop improves the students’ design and expression abilities. The full-English teaching environment improves the students’ English communication ability and stimulates their creative enthusiasm.


Xiao Yong, Liu Zhao and Diego

师生合影 Teacher and student group photos



