耿丹视传学生“Imagine Making” 爱尔兰第一日
发布时间:2019年5月28日 5:55:35 
GAD student “Imagine Making” 1st day in Ireland

2019年5月4日,耿丹数字技术学院视觉传达专业大二学生共43人,在该专业李恒、李钊,英语专业于雪桐三位老师带领下,开启了为期14天的“Imagine Making”课程游学考察,此次考察分别前往爱尔兰都柏林的DIT和意大利的罗马、佛罗伦萨。
On May 4, 2019, 43 sophomores from Gengdan Institute of International Design, led by Li Heng, Li Zhao and Yu Xuetong, started a 14-day “Imagine Making” course tour to Dublin, Ireland, DIT and Rome, Florence, Italy.

The theme of the course is about symbolic book design. During the trip, teachers from Dublin Polytechnic University and Irish book designers were invited to participate in the course. The purpose of teaching mode under international situation is to expand students’ creative thinking, at the same time to exercise students’ ability to express in English and integrate into unfamiliar culture, so as to increase students’ international experience.

On the first day of Dublin, Mr. Li Zhao, Mr. Li Heng and Mr. Yu Xuetong assigned the task of conducting research in groups. Students began to collect information along the River Liffey. Ireland gives students the feeling that it is a slow-paced city. Beer culture is full of streets and lanes. Graffiti, colours, patterns and icons all reflect the divergence of European romance and thinking. At 2 p.m., Barry, deputy dean of the School of Creative Arts, Dublin Polytechnic University, led the students to visit the school and gave a very detailed explanation of its specialty and future planning. The first day’s itinerary was tight and full.

师生合照 Group photo of teachers and students