耿丹视传学生“Imagine Making” 爱尔兰第三日

发布时间:2019年5月28日 6:20:21 

GAD student “Imagine Making” 3rd day in Ireland



2019年5月7日在爱尔兰“Imagine Making”课程游学考察的第三天,在都柏林理工大学开始上课,李恒和李钊老师对学生调研进行了指导建议,梳理了课题的初步框架。

On May 7, 2019, on the third day of the Tourist Investigation of “Imagine Making” in Ireland, the class began at Technological University Dublin. Teachers Li Heng and Li Zhao made guiding suggestions on learning and clarified the preliminary framework of the course.

上课场景 Class scene


Ms. Yu Xuetong, leading the students, conducted questionnaires on different topics among local students at Technological University Dublin. Students’ English communicative competence has been improved in such an all-English-speaking environment. Their horizons have been broadened, and their enthusiasm has been improved. They discussed some of our feelings in international exchanges.

参观博物馆 Visit the museum



On the same day, the architect visited the Irish National Museum. The museum, which displays historical materials and ancient machines related to India, is the best museum to learn about Irish art. The same kind of knowledge has also experienced the printing process with one’s own hands. It explores the in-depth understanding of Indian art.

师生合照 Group photo of teachers and students



