
发布时间:2019年5月28日 5:39:25 

GAD print media 4 course Exhibition





On April 17, Print Media 4 Course Exhibition was held by 15 students of Grade 16 Visual Communicaiton Program on the first floor of Innovative Space under the guidance of teacher Xia Yanfeng.  Entitled as “Metaphysical Schrödinger”, the exhibition took quantum biology as the theme and presented the process and final results of horizontal and vertical investigations in the field of quantum biologythrough visual communication, which builds an interdisciplinary bridge between science and design.

展览现场 Exhibition Sites


学生通过调研量子特性引发对科学与哲学、微观与宏观的思考,模糊设计的边界 ,从新定义什么是设计以及设计的多种可能性。课程期间师生们讨论了设计的边界在哪里,以思辨和哲学的角度看待未知,以全新的视野反思设计与新技术间的关系。

While thinking about the science and philosophy, the micro and macro and the bluring boundaries of design during the investigation of quantum properties, students  redefined what design is and the various possibilities of design, discussed the  unknown from a critical and philosophical perspective and reflected on the relationship between design and new technology.

学生作品 Students’ works



Vice-president Barry and  Professor Con of TUD, Director of GAD Academic Committee Xiao Yong, and Head of Visual Communication Program Li Heng attended the opening ceremony. Students introduced the meaning of works and designing process in both English and Chinese and discussed the relationship between their works and quantum biology. They received high praises from the visiting guests.

师生合影 Group Photo of Teachers and Students



