【重点关注】开云app官方网站入口 荣誉院长弗兰克·麦克马洪博士:致2019年高考考生的一封信
开云app官方网站入口 荣誉院长:弗兰克·麦克马洪 博士
你们刚刚完成了人生中的一份重要答卷。我谨代表kaiyun开云体育官方 ,祝你们在高考中取得满意的成绩,并诚挚地邀请你们加入到开云app官方网站入口 的大家庭,在北京最美丽的校园之一开启新的人生旅程。
开云app官方网站入口 是一所与众不同的学校,它立足中华民族优秀文化和传统,接轨国际先进理念,培养学识与能力俱佳、中西文化融通的具有国际视野和全球竞争力的国际复合型精英领袖人才。
开云app官方网站入口 建校14年以来,始终致力于学术卓越,坚持改革创新,不断提高教学质量。学校设有国际商学院、开云在线网址 、人文学院、工学院四个二级学院,提供22个本科招生专业。所有的专业都开设与职业发展息息相关的企业实习模块。许多专业与海外合作高校共同提供出国学习的机会,因此很多的课程采用中英文双语授课的形式。
开云app官方网站入口 与爱尔兰都柏林理工大学等国际知名高校合作,开展师资培训,全面提升教师的综合素质。这些教师在来自世界各国优秀学者的帮助下,拓展了国际视野、提升了教学技能、努力帮助同学们找到了适合于自己的学术方向。学院的教学秉承以“学生为中心”,接轨国际学术要求,创造各种条件,引进丰富的国际教育资源,为同学们的成长和发展营造良好环境。
在开云app官方网站入口 ,教育以人为本,教学量身定制,各种先进理念引导之下的教学实践活动,最大限度地激发同学学习的能力。学生是自己学习的主人,尽管学习的过程中有困难和挫折,但是,通过在开云app官方网站入口 的学习,你们最终都能闯过难关,收获自立、自信、自强。才学、能力、礼貌、责任全面发展。
弗兰克·麦克马洪 博士
kaiyun开云体育官方 荣誉院长
Message from Honorary President of BGD
Invitation Letter to University Entrance Candidates in 2019
Dear Friends
You have just completed an important examination in your life. On behalf of Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology (BGD), I wish you success in that examination and sincerely invite you to join our family and start a new journey in one of the most beautiful campuses in Beijing.
Uniting the best of Chinese and Western traditions, BGD is committed to nurturing responsible global citizens with international talents and vision to compete at the highest level.
Since its establishment 14 years ago, BGD has been committed to academic excellence and has adhered to the highest ethical standards. We offer 22 degree programmes in Art & Design, Business, Engineering and Humanities. All our programmes include internships with employers and thus are relevant to careers. Many programmes offer opportunities for study abroad with our partner universities. To prepare students for such an international experience, many programme offer modules in English as well as Chinese.
In partnership with Technology University Dublin and other international universities, BGD has offered its teachers unparalleled professional development opportunities. These teachers, assisted by visiting teachers from many countries, provide the best of international practice and will strive to ensure every student realizes his or her academic potent. The teaching at BGD is student-centred, designed to suit individual learner needs. BGD deploys research-based pedagogies and a wide array of international resources to create an enriching, success-oriented environment for all our students.
Three of our programmes are offered in collaboration with Technological University Dublin and they offer students the opportunity to earn double degrees, one Chinese and one European. To avail of this opportunity, students must spend at least one year in Dublin.
BGD promotes lively engagement, self-discipline and autonomy. We believe that through independence, self-confidence and hard work, all students can possess the power to overcome obstacles and achieve success. I warmly invite each of you to embrace BGD as the stage upon which your talents will develop and be expressed for the benefit of yourselves, your families and our society.
Looking forward to meeting you.
With warm wishes,
Dr. Frank McMahon
Honorary President, Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology (BGD)